
Each year as Kiwis we enjoy 12 public holidays – 11 national, plus one for our region. If one of these days falls on a Saturday or Sunday, it gets ‘Mondayised’ or in some cases ‘Tuesdayised’.

How you are or are not paid for public holidays depends on a couple of different factors – here’s how the rules work:


  The public holiday is on a day you normally work: The public holiday is on a day you don't normally work:
You work the public holiday:

You get:

  • paid time and a half; and
  • an alternative paid day off

You get:

  • paid time and a half
You don't work the public holiday:

You get:

  • paid your regular daily pay; and
  • the day off

You get:

  • the day off

There’s still plenty more public holidays to go so here’s a list of what we’ve got to look forward to for the rest of 2023!


Public Holiday Observed Date
Good Friday Friday 7 April
Easter Monday Monday 10 April
ANZAC Day Tuesday 25 April
King's Birthday Monday 5 June
Matariki Friday 14 July
Labour Day Monday 23 October
Christmas Day Monday 25 December
Boxing Day Tuesday 26 December
Employment & HR