How we can help  

In New Zealand there are around 24,000 incorporated societies that will need to deal with the new Incorporated Societies Act 2022 before 5 April 2026. 

For many of you, this will mean meeting the requirements of the reregistration process. Some societies will have experienced members on their committees who will be able to manage most of the work involved themselves. But many of you won’t. 

So, what do you need to do and how should you go about it? 

We can help to keep it simple for you so have a chat to us if you need a helping hand. 

Helpful hint

Before you can apply to re-register your society, you must hold authority to manage your society’s information online.  If you attempt the re-registration process without the required authority, many of the key questions you need to answer will not show up and you are doomed to failure.

Obtaining the required authority is easy,  The Incorporated Societies section of the Companies Office website tells you all about it -


Things to consider: 

  • Is your society going to carry on or is it time to shut up shop or perhaps amalgamate with another society?
  • Can your existing rules be amended to be compliant with the new Act or would it be easier to adopt a whole new Constitution?
  • Do you have members who can help?
  • When is your next AGM scheduled?
  • If you are going to re-register under the new Act, you will be bound by the Act from that time so what factors might impact on when you apply?

It’s important to start to get all your ducks in a row now, even if you would prefer to register later rather than sooner. That way if you do come across any hurdles, you’ll have plenty of time to address them.