When your employee becomes ill, or has an injury, with long-term effects, it takes not only a toll on them of course, but also on you as their employer as there is sometimes quite a disruption to your business.
While we would love to completely eradicate inappropriate behaviour at staff Christmas parties, unfortunately there is no fool-proof course of action that employers and managers can take to guarantee everything stays above board.
Many commentators have stated we’re entering into one of the biggest shake-ups in employment law for decades – and, from where I’m sitting, they’re looking to be on the money.
We hear a lot nowadays about the astronomical rate of change our planet’s confronting, together with often mind-bending predictions on what the world will evolve to look like in our lifetime, and beyond.
On the face of it, the laws around employees’ and employers’ respective rights and responsibilities when it comes to sick leave might look cut and dried – the reality, though, is anything but.
There’s something quite special about farming families, particularly those whose relationship with the land is first and foremost a love, rather than business, affair.