With property prices appreciating at record levels, not surprisingly, real estate is piquing the interest of many who haven’t traditionally invested in bricks and mortar.
New earthquake strengthening legislation is well and truly back in the spotlight following last month’s 7.8 magnitude earthquake that shook the upper South Island and lower North Island – and all eyes are now on whether the new legislation’s implementation will be fast-tracked in light of the latest tremors.
I know. The year’s barely started, and here am I wanting to tax those post-holiday brain cells with news about, well, tax. But, given the property season is in full swing, this is one you might just need to be across sooner rather than later, if you’re looking at trading.
All legal eyes are glued to a landmark case that’s set down to be heard in the Supreme Court early next month – and its significance is such that anyone with a trust would do well to take a keen interest in, too.
In the wake of Canterbury’s devastating earthquakes, the Supreme Court has handed down a decision providing building owners, councils and insurers a clear steer on seismic strengthening.
The Court of Appeal in the case of Westland District Council v TC York and Alpine Glacier Motel Limited, has confirmed that a Council will be liable for any damages suffered by a purchaser as a result...
In a recent decision, the Supreme Court has confirmed that if a Council negligently includes incorrect information in a Land Information Memorandum, and the person who ordered the LIM relies on that incorrect information, the Council will be liable for any loss that person suffers as a result.
The High Court has ordered the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Land Information to reconsider their decision to approve the purchase of the 16 Crafar farms by Milk New Zealand Holdings Limited by using a different test.